2016年9月28日 星期三

IT SOLUTIONS OLIVE: YesUp - Clicksor的廣告代碼

1. 登入Clicksor。
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2. 按Ad Setup。
3. 選擇579935 http://cityskywilliam.co.nf/,再按"Next"。
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4. 按"Generate New Ad Code"。
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5. 按"Regular Setup"。
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6. 在"The following ad formats are available to your site. If you do not want to host any of these ad formats, please choose 'skip this ad' at its code setting page:",選擇"Inpage Banners",再按"Get Code"。
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7. 在"Select Banner Type"的Banner Format",選擇"Show Text and Graphical Ad"。然後在"Banner Size" 選擇"Skyscraper (120 x 600 pixel)"。在"Floating option"的"Make it floating on the right side of the browser?"。
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8. 在"Customize Banner Settings"使用預設,按"Save&Next>"。
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9. 在"Customize Inline Text Link Settings",按"Skip this Ad"。
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10. 在"Pop-under Ads Settings"的"Frequency Cap: No more than 1 pop-under Ad per"選擇"1 pop per session"。選擇"Enable Layer Pop Ad.",再按"Save&Next>"。
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11. 在"Interstitial Ads Settings"的"Frequency Cap","Allow to display" 1  ads in a time interval of" Per Session" Hours,"Interstitial ad should show on every other" 2 "pageviews when it is available.", 再按"Next"。
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12. 在"Copy & Paste Code",複製廣告代碼到IT SOLUTIONS OLIVE Banners.txt。
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